Hi, I am Melissa!

Food blogger, mom, business woman and amateur cook.

My first goal is to inspire you with my food blog and my second goal is to take you into my world.

For what a food blog?

I would like to live out my passion for cooking and share my ideas and recipes with you.

My name is Melissa. I am a mum to a 12 year old son, work full time in my own successful business and love to cook privately.

I’m from Germany, Bavaria and I love the Bavarian cuisine and other dishes from different parts of Germany. Nevertheless, my favorite recipes are those that are traditional in my family.

With Rezeptliebe – recipe love, I share my joy for cooking and hope that you will try some of my recipes. I hope that my ideas will inspire you in the everyday life.

My motto: the proof of the pudding is in the eating!


My world of taste

German & international cuisine

I love trying different types of food. I like traditional dishes but also international dishes. I am particularly impressed by the Asian cuisine.

I also like American cuisine, but not only burgers and fries. Once I ate the most delicious Cajun pasta dish in Miami and it was absolutely gorgeous.

In addition, I like to eat Turkish, Oriental, Indian, Greek, Spanish and Mexican. As you can see my interest in food extends to many countries and corners.

my motivation

Why do I want to inspire you?

I like to cook and I do it almost every day. However, it is difficult to organize a healthy and varied diet because I am so busy all the time. That’s why I collect my recipes and create regular weekly plans so that I save more time in everyday life.

My friends, for example, often don’t even know what or how to cook. They just lack inspiration and that’s why I’m making my recipes and ideas public for everyone. Because many people have the same problems as me or my friends.

There is a lack of time, ideas and sometimes knowledge of how to cook. With my food blog I want to help you and inspire you because I have the opportunity to do so.

I also currently live in Weiden in der Oberpfalz. That’s near the army base in Grafenwoehr. Many Americans stationed here will eventually get to know the typical Bavarian roast pork. But they even don´t know how to cook it. So here is an opportunity for you to take a bit of tradition from Germany home with you.

My (foodblog) goals

That's what I want to achieve

From the beginning I would like to give you an insight into my kitchen and inspire you. I want to help you make your kitchen to a place where you love to cook.

I want to give you ideas on how to cook quickly and easily prepare delicious dishes. And I want to show you how you can conjure up delicious meals without “ready-made sauces”.

In the meantime, I’m working with my son on a cookbook containing our favorite dishes. On the other side I focus on other diet plans. Write a blog with advices and will include the topic “sport & fitness”, “garden” and more in my project.

One thing is certain: it will definitely remain exciting in the future.

But now my questions to you

Are you at the start with me?

If you find my ideas interesting – you are welcome to accompany me on my way and subscribe to me on Instagram or by email / newsletter. I’ve only just started but you can be a part of it. I would be happy if I inspire you and we´re connecting by cooking together. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact me.

Your Melissa – I wish you lots of fun with my recipes and ideas!