tasty recipes & ideas for everyone

cooking with passion

Nice that you landed on my German Bavarian foodblog Rezeptliebe!

I believe that cooking connects people, cultures, habits, emotions and memories. Cooking is more than just an everyday thing. When I am cooking, I always come up with new ideas and develop myself.

For me, cooking is a challenge, a curiosity, an adventure, an experiment and above all a hobby that I pursue almost every day. And on this website I will take you into the delicious world of Rezeptliebe. ❤

Current recipes

Check out my food blog - here you will find recipes for delicious dishes.

Why the name Rezeptliebe?

Between recipes, love and connections: the name symbolizes my passion for cooking and attention to detail.

Free downloads

Do you like a meal plan template?

Sometimes it’s hard to focus on the daily food. So I came up with a good idea that might work for you too. Every day there is a warm main course and a motto such as Fish Day, Veggie Day and more.

You can use my weekly template plan for free. If you like them, I would be happy if you subscribe to Instagram or Pinterest.